Ocho's Corner

This is a blog specifically for our dog! (A Dog Blog?)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Day

Today I ate. Then I pooped. Then I started running around and playing. Rob threw a ball. I ignored it. I found a tasty pile of poop! How did that get there?
I ate it. Yum. Then I took a nap. The cats made noise so I barked. Then I pooped. On the floor! Yay!


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Kathy Howe said...

His head is looking WAY too big for his body in this picture. LOL

At 9:12 PM, Blogger KinnicChick said...

cutest picture of all. Looks like one of those greeting cards that they have to distort all to hell. And you didn't have to do a thing to it, did you! Too funny...


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