Is That A Dog or A Table????

Boy, am I exhausted! I had a looooong weekend.
I was really nervous about Daddy's Dad spending the night, but then he cancelled. He came over the next day and banged around in the garage. I hate the garage. It's scary. Fang kept trying to jump up on this big, hairy table he brought with him. The table kept moving out of the way. I've never seen that before.
On Saturday, we all got into the car and went to Pet Smart. That place smells funny. It scares me! I wanted to look at the treats, but all I got was a collar and harness. We also got a weird scary clicker. Daddy kept clicking it and trying to give me a treat. He called it training. Now I'm scared of treats. Nothing can make Fang scared of treats. She's crazy! Did you know that she climbs in the tub at night and pees? I would never do that! The tub is SCARY! Every time I get in there someone rubs soap on me. Yuck.
Well, I better take a nap now. If I hide here in these cushions, nothing scary should be able to see me!
Dear Ocho,
Please tell your daddy to test drive clicker training on HIS daddy.
Much appreciation,
Auntie KathyHowe
LMAO at Auntie Kathy...
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