Ocho's Corner

This is a blog specifically for our dog! (A Dog Blog?)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Stupid Cat!

Stupid cat! You know I can't get up on a table! Anyway, I'm in charge now! Why don't you go sleep in the basement where you belong.

It's Not Fair!!!!

I was the cute one until that damn dog came along! Now she eats my food, my poop, and steals the blog that should be mine! They used to pet me so much that I was a short hair! Now look at me! I look like I belong in ZZ Top! I've got a plan though! As soon as that dog is standing at the edge of a table, I'll kick her right off! Ha ha ha!!!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Help! Help! I need to get out of this sweater!!!
I'm sorry! I'll never eat cat poo again!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Doggone Hot Day!

It was hot, I panted alot

The Sun was hot, but I was not,

For I found some shade, and a lake,

So in it I sat, so that I wouldn't bake!


Mmmmm.... I like treats. I think you should give me some! Are you eating? Can I have a bite? If I can't have some ice cream, how about a TREAT!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Day

Today I ate. Then I pooped. Then I started running around and playing. Rob threw a ball. I ignored it. I found a tasty pile of poop! How did that get there?
I ate it. Yum. Then I took a nap. The cats made noise so I barked. Then I pooped. On the floor! Yay!